Organic Cotton Socks
What are the best socks for itchy skin?
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Fabric - 100% Organic Cotton
The right fabric for itchy skin needs to be chemical-free, latex free and just the right thickness and weight to comfort but not overheat sensitive feet and legs.
Organic Cotton fits the bill perfectly.
This breathable sustainable fabric is light enough to float over burning skin yet strong enough to protect it. It looks good and lasts well.

Design - Attention to detail
The right design for itchy skin needs to protect your skin, fit well and have no raised seams.
Our pioneering range of eczema clothing has been thoughtfully chosen by people who understand skin conditions. Our socks and tights are made of fine rib with flat hand-linked toe seams and no tight exposed elastic around the ankle and no itchy wool or nylon in sight.

itchy skin matters
We’re a hub of support and information for people with sensitive skin. Through our blog ’Itchy Skin Matters’ we aim to raise the voices of those who are often overlooked within the eczema community. You’ll also find our personal insights, top tips and expert advice on our website.